Why cord blood?

CReATe offers you the opportunity to collect and save your baby’s cord blood stem cells for potential medical uses to treat life-threatening diseases. If you do not choose to bank your baby’s cord blood, it will be discarded after birth.

Peristem program

The Peristem™ program offers parents the option to bank a new type of stem cell that is found in the tissues surrounding the blood vessels of the baby’s umbilical cord.

Latest blog post

November 15th is World Cord Blood Day 2019, and CReATe Cord Blood Bank will help educate about the uses of cord blood stem cells and research in this area.

Upcoming webinars

CReATe provides a variety of informative and comprehensive information sessions about cord blood and Peristem™ stem cells including: in-home consultations; educational group forums; tours of CReATe laboratory’s state-of-the-art facilities; online help.